Key Research and Sources

Injury Risk Assessment

Wiggermann, N., Zhou, J., & McGann, N. (2021). Effect of repositioning aids and patient weight on biomechanical stresses when repositioning patients in bed. Human factors, 63(4), 565-577. PDF

Waters, T. R. (2007). When is it safe to manually lift a patient?. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 107(8), 53-58. Journal site (full-text)

Marras, W. S., Davis, K. G., Kirking, B. C., & Bertsche, P. K. (1999). A comprehensive analysis of low-back disorder risk and spinal loading during the transferring and repositioning of patients using different techniques. Ergonomics, 42(7), 904-926. PDF


Outpatient Rehab / Rehab Facilities

Darragh, A. R., Campo, M. A., Frost, L., Miller, M., Pentico, M., & Margulis, H. (2013). Safe-patient-handling equipment in therapy practice: Implications for rehabilitation. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(1), 45-53. Journal site


Patient Mobility Assessment

Boynton, T., Kumpar, D., VanGilder, C. (2020). The Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool 2.0: Advancing patient mobility.Am Nurs J. 2020;15(7):18-22. PDF


Program ROI / Cost Avoidance

Dang, T., Roberts, D., Murray, A., & Wiggermann, N. (2022). A return-on-investment model using clinical and economic data related to safe patient handling and mobility programs in the ICU. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 92, 103372. Journal site (full-text) On-Demand Webinar, October 2022

Teeple, E., Collins, J. E., Shrestha, S., Dennerlein, J. T., Losina, E., & Katz, J. N. (2017). Outcomes of safe patient handling and mobilization programs: a meta-analysis. Work, 58(2), 173-184. PubMed Full-text


Safety Culture / Worker Protection

Wiggermann, N., Francis, R., & Solomon, A. (2024). Individual and organizational factors associated with injury history and patient handling behaviors: Results from a nationwide survey of healthcare workers. Applied Ergonomics, 118, 104251. Journal site (full-text)


SPHM Program Management / Sustainment

Boynton, T. (2023). Coding and applying injury claims data to implement and sustain effective safe patient handling and mobility solutions. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 93, 103397. Journal site

Missar, V., Fray, M., Matz, M., Raphan, C., Weaver, W. (2016). Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Claims Coding: A Pragmatic and Functional Approach. White Paper. PDF