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June 12th, 2024 – Lymphatic Conditions, SPHM and the Plus-Size Person

[FREE to Members] Presented and recorded live June 12th, 2024 from 2 PM – 3 PM Eastern


This presentation integrates the principles of safe patient handling and mobility into the management of patients who have both obesity and lymphatic changes. It examines the rising prevalence of these conditions and explores the fundamentals of lymphatic disorders. Health promotion and treatment modalities are presented through the eyes of SPHM and are designed to prevent worker injuries during diagnostic procedures, the application of therapeutic devices, and beyond. This cutting-edge presentation bridges multiple professional disciplines.

Objectives – After this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the demographics of obesity across healthcare settings
  • Identify the relationship between obesity and lymphatic disruption
  • Discuss specific intervention to promote lymphatic health
  • Explore opportunities for treatment regardless of practice settings

Meet the Speaker(s)

Susan Gallagher, PhD, MA, MSN, RN, CBN, CSPHP
Susan Gallagher holds a PhD in Policy Ethics from the University of Southern California. Dr. Gallagher is certified in Bariatric Nursing and is a Certified Safe Patient Handling Professional. She is formerly a Bariatric Surgery Senior Risk Analyst for Stevens and Lee Lawyers and Consultant. Dr. Gallagher has served as Associate Editor for Workplace Health and Safety (AAOHN) since 2018. She is the 2023-2024 Immediate Past President for the Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals and served as program director for the ASPHP National SPHM Educational Event from 2020 to 2024. Dr. Gallagher is the author of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles, books, and book chapters. She is currently executive program director for the National Bariatric Solutions Conference, an interactive, immersive, and interdisciplinary conference held each year in the Fall.

Eric Ansart, MS
Eric holds an MS in Organizational Leadership and is a previous Lymphedema Education and Research Network (LE&RN) Impact Award winner, Eric also serves on the Board of Directors for the National Lymphedema Network (NLN) and Foundation for Venous and Lymphatic Disease (FVLD).

He has served the lymphedema community for nearly twenty years. He began as a compression therapy consultant for Medical Solutions Supplier, a Delaware Valley medical device company. This is where his passion to help those with lymphatic disorders and raise awareness to these conditions was born. “When this chapter of my career started, lymphedema was often misdiagnosed or overlooked,” noted Eric. “To see the tremendous strides made in research along with helping patients effectively manage their condition is extremely gratifying work.”

Tracey Carr
Tracey Carr serves as a Bariatric Consultant and patient advocate for people of size. For the past 20 years she has provided independent advice to a number of leading healthcare companies. Additionally, she has worked with staff, clients and students, offering advice and support to assist in the care provided for larger people. Located in the UK, she travels worldwide sharing with others.


Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 15826, for 1 contact hour.

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