Case Studies

April 2016

Whitepaper on Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Claims Coding: A Pragmatic and Functional Approach

Authors: Vicki J. Missar, Michael Fray, Mary Matz, Candy Raphan, Wendy Weaver

Download Whitepaper here

Public Citizen Report The Healthcare Industry’s Castoffs

This report is the first in a 5-part series discussing the problem of injuries to healthcare workers arising from the physical demands of their jobs. These demands arise primarily from patient handling. The experiences of 6 different nurses are presented.

Read Report

Safe Patient Handling in New York: Short Term Costs Yield Long Term Results

This report presents success stories both in New York State and elsewhere, including those associated with the NY Demonstration Project that has been in place for a number of years.

Read SPH in NY, May 2011

Transforming a Hospital Safety and Ergonomics Program: A Four year Journey of Change
Vicki J. Missar, Don Metcalfe and Gail Gilmore

This paper discusses successful patient handling, safety management, process optimization and culture changes in core elements of a health care safety program.

Read Paper Here

Colin Brigham reflects on a personal experience.
My Mother’s Story

LM SPH deJa Vu January 18 (PDF)

Note: Additional Case Studies may be found in the Members Learning Center.