About Us

The Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals, Inc. (ASPHP) was formed as a non-profit corporation to provide a venue for individuals interested in the science of safe patient handling to share experiences, access education and information, and if they choose, to advance their professional status through a Certification Program based on recognized standards. The membership of the ASPHP works together to build a credentialed profession dedicated to the safety and comfort of caregivers and their patients worldwide.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) Position Statement

We embrace, respect, and celebrate the diverse backgrounds, expertise, and innovative ideas of our members and partners.

We rely on our members and partners to bring their unique and individual perspective to foster growth and collaboration.

Our greatest strengths are our differences.
Our collective strength will allow us to grow as an organization that is committed to cultivate an inclusive environment.

This allows us to advocate for equitable access to opportunities and resources that will enhance the safety of all healthcare recipients and caregivers.


The ASPHP is governed by a distinguished group of safe patient handling professionals.
Please View Our Leadership Page


Membership is open to all persons interested in the practice and profession of safe patient handling, regardless of level of education, profession or position. Membership is affordable and offers educational and networking value.

Conflict of Interest Policy and Confidentiality Agreement

Each officer and committee member (“volunteer leader”) should avoid both actual and apparent conflicts of interest that would interfere with their ability to discharge their responsibilities to the Association of Safe Patient Handling Professionals (ASPHP).  ASPHP encourages its volunteer leaders to follow ethical standards, to be in compliance with all laws, and to avoid any conflict of interest, or appearance of such, including having their titles or affiliation used to publicize personal or company activities, programs, or events (especially those conducted for private profit). The Conflict of Interest Policy is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to nonprofit and charitable organizations.

All volunteer leaders will be bound by ASPHP’s Conflict of Interest Policy and Confidentiality Agreement. Any individual who may have a conflict of interest shall be required to complete the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form in connection with the selection process.