Tags: Multiple Care Settings, Patient Falls, Safety Culture / Worker Protection
May 14, 2025 – Achieving Full Engagement: A Multidisciplinary New Role
Achieving Full Engagement: A Multidisciplinary New Role Implementation with a New Platform for Safe Patient Handling (SPH) and Fall Prevention
presented by Kelly E. Drilling, RN, MSN, Kristyne Ellefson RN BSN, Julie Stene, MSN/MHA, RN and Katie Morgan, RN, MSN
Live May 14, 2025 from 2 PM – 3 PM Eastern FREE to ASPHP Members
Efforts towards reducing patient falls and improving Safe Patient Handling (SPH) tactics have shown to have separate successes. However, mobility has been an element that can be overlooked behind those two aforementioned tactics.
Recognizing the synergy between falls and SPH, we will describe a role merger effort on a large healthcare campus, and review successes of the new role creation. We will discuss how engaging staff with creative tactics and explore how merging these roles works to optimize resources and improve patient outcomes.
Objectives – After this session, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the process and impact of merging two former roles of Falls Champion and SPH Champion into one elevated, leadership role of the Safe Mobility Champion (SMC).
- Review the creation of a platform where SMCs can learn and collaborate with colleagues on the latest evidence-based practices and equipment to improve patient and staff safety.
- Examine current SPH practices and identify strategies to improve safe mobility for patients and employees.
- Describe effective ways to engage staff to become involved and influential in taking on a new role to influence safety and mobility.
- Review the importance of leveraging staff and engaging them as departmental leaders for safety efforts.
- Discuss the importance of offering psychological safety for staff attending SPH training.
- Review the importance of SPH tactics and fall prevention efforts to promote safety as a whole.
Meet the Speakers
Kelly E. Drilling, RN, MSN
Ms. Drilling is Mayo Clinic’s current Safe Patient Handling Program Coordinator. Ms. Drilling has a strong background with passion related to Staff and Patient safety. She has experience within Mayo Clinic as fulfilling roles such as the Chair of the Mayo Nursing Safety Council, in addition to leadership on the Safe Patient Handling Committee, Fall Injury Prevention Subcommittees, and the Nursing Value Analysis Committee. Ms. Drilling was part of the team that was able to initiate the Safe Patient Handling Program at Mayo Clinic, which gained support for the Department of Nursing to hire their first Safe Patient Handling Program Coordinator. Since then, Ms. Drilling has also been part of a team that has performed successful work in merging the roles of the Fall Champion and the Safe Patient Handling Champions, which was officially rolled out in early 2024. Ms. Drilling has been at Mayo clinic for 17 years and has held a variety of nursing leadership positions throughout her career.
Kristyne Ellefson RN BSN
Ms. Ellefson has been in various nursing roles in the inpatient and outpatient setting at Mayo Clinic Rochester. Her current role is within Occupational Health Services and on of her focus areas is the Safe Patient Handling Team. Ms. Ellefson has a strong desire to empower staff members through mentoring and education, she has been a preceptor for many of her approximately 35 years as a nurse at Mayo Clinic. Ms. Ellefson is a strong advocate for all staff – PCAs, RNs, LPNs, transporters, desk staff and other healthcare workers to have a working knowledge about how to effectively and safely handle patients without sustaining injury to themselves and the patients. Ms. Ellefson has received a variety of recognition throughout her career at Mayo Clinic with the most recent being a recipient of the prestigious “Excellence through Teamwork” award.
Julie Stene, MSN/MHA, RN
Ms. Stene is an inpatient Medical Neurology/Epilepsy Nurse Manager at Mayo Clinic and the Nurse Manager Chair of the Inpatient Falls Program. Ms. Stene has a robust practice background with a passion for giving the staff the tools they need to reduce inpatient falls and increase patient and staff safety. She has abundant committee involvement within the Patient Safety and Hospital Quality groups and represents Mayo Clinic at the Minnesota Hospital Association as a Falls and Delirium subject matter expert. Ms Stene worked with the team in merging the roles of the Fall Champion and the Safe Patient Handling Champions, which was officially rolled out in early 2024. Ms. Stene has been at Mayo clinic for 29 years and has held a variety of bedside and nursing leadership positions throughout her career.
Katie Morgan, RN, MSN
Ms. Morgan is a performance improvement advisor within Quality at Mayo Clinic. She supports Quality priorities throughout Mayo Clinic Rochester with a focus on inpatient and outpatient surgical departments. In addition, Ms. Morgan reviews, monitors, analyzes, and shares data related to external Quality reporting. Ms. Morgan has worked at Mayo Clinic for almost 20 years as a staff nurse, house supervisor, and nurse manager in both the inpatient and ambulatory care setting prior to transitioning to her current role.
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 15826, for 1 contact hour.
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